Sunday, February 15, 2009

I Miss you Everyday

I Miss You Everyday by Simms Taback is a very creative way to show how a little girl misses someone she loves so much. She never says who she actually misses which I think makes the story very unique because a child can read the book and be able to relate to the story. Though this story is about a little girl missing somebody, it reminded me of how much I missed my friends from home when I first went to college. It was very exciting to meet new people, and create new memories with friends, but I still felt there was something missing. I have such a close bond with my high school girl friends, and it was very hard to separate when we all went to different colleges. There is a unique comfortability level as well being with friends who know you so well. Since we all missed each other so much, we decided to set up an "I miss you package". We had a list with all seven of our names on it. The first person started and would send a package to anyone on the list and cross their name off. Then that person would send a package to someone else on the list, and it kept going till everyone received a package. This was a great way to keep in touch and show our appreciation for each other. The package was exciting because we had to include something that represented our new college, a favorite candy, and something that represented the other person. It was so exciting to finally get the package in the mail and see what we got. Overall, if you are young are old there will always be a time when you miss someone, and sometimes it helps to be creative.

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