Sunday, February 15, 2009

Junie B., First Grader Toothless Wonder

Junie B., First Grader Toothless Wonder written by Barbra Park is a contemporary realistic fiction chapter book. The book was about Junie B. Jones loosing her first top tooth and all the worries that went along with it. She was really excited to be the first person in her class to loose her tooth, but then she worries she will look crazy or a totally different person and people were make fun of her. She also is confused who the tooth fairy is, what she does with the teeth, and why. Reading this book reminded me that at times people may wish we were young again, but I think we forget that young children still have worries. As adults we may think children's worries are petty, but thinking back to being a child, children what is going on is the worst thing in the world. I remember as a child in elementary school I use to worry if I had the latest toy that was popular. Though this may sound like it is not important, kids can be very rude when you do not fit in even when you are young. I felt when I was young, there would be some new toy that was the "cool thing" every month and it was very hard to keep up. It went from giga pets, to pogs and slammers, to gameboy nintendos. I remember the feelings when all your classmates have the toy, and are all talking about it, and you begin to feel very left out. Overall, though Junie B. Jones books are directed towards 2nd-4th graders, I think it is very simple for any age person to relate to this book.

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