Sunday, April 12, 2009

Giving Thanks

Giving Thanks by Jonathon London is considered a children's picture book; however, I believe it would be a great book as well for Jr. high, high schoolers, and even adults . The content of the book is not difficult to comprehend. It discusses the topic of nature and how thankful we should be that we were given the gift of nature. It has limited words on each page, and the words are not too challenging. Basically, an elementary school student would be able to understand the storyline of the book. Moreover, the reason I think it would be beneficial if the book was targeted to an older crowd is because they may better be able to grasp the message the book is trying to reveal. Go Green is a movement that has come alive during our present generation. It is a movement that is trying to preserve our Earth. People know how important the gift of our Earth is; therefore, people have come together to form a movement to start taking care of our gift. Many teenagers have actively got involved with this movement. There was a a student organization in my high school called Students for Justice. These students were really involved with the Go Green movement. They set up a recycle program for our school, they petitioned for Earth friendly products to be used, and they gave speeches to the rest of the school about the research they would find. Though there are so many teenagers actively trying to help take care of our precious gift, there are also so many teenagers who are caught up with being a teenager. They forget to think about other important things in the world besides their social lives. I think Giving Thanks by Jonathon London would be a great book to read to teenagers to expose them to the Go Green movement, and make them appreciate the world they are living in.

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