Sunday, April 19, 2009

My Daddy and Me

My Daddy and Me by Jerry Spinelli is a picture book that has brought me back to my childhood. The book is about a young puppy that is so excited for his dad to come home from work so they can spend time together. They do many things together like bake, play tag, and dance to music; however, sometimes the dad is too tired to do anything but sing his son a lullaby. When I was younger my dad many times would work the night shift as a pharmasist at Walgreens, so a few days a week he would be home when I got home from Kindergarten, while my mom was at work. I was always so excited to spend time with my dad when he was not too tired from working. Some of the best memories I can remember is when he would take me to Banochburn, Illinois to get a Mrs. Fields chocolate chip cookie, and then to Erehwon Mountain Supply to try on silly hats. We would both hysterically laugh at all the animal hats he would make me try on. Even if we did not have time to go all the way to Banachburn, I can still remember my dad making me lunch and resting with him on the couch. This book is a great book to make people take a moment to appreciate their dads.

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